The full-time workers at Meade Design Group have taken time out of our busy day to pose a la Sasha Fierce (aka Beyoncé) to win tickets to see her performance at GM place in Vancouver. We feel our glamorous chandelier and wallpaper make the perfect backdrop for fierce divas like us! - We also risked breaking our glass table to get the perfect shot! (luckily it did not break after any of us posed on it!)
Our individual entries are:
Our individual entries are:

Principal Designer Ivan’s alter ego – Jesús Godzilla – is perfect for this Latin interior and graphic designer. Jesús (pronounced “hay-zues”) because he is the second coming in the design world - a prolific figure that others praise, and look up to in awe, this is also a nod to his heritage. Godzilla because really – what is more fierce than Godzilla?
*Please notice his take on the Sasha Fierce pose, complete with a fierce “grrrr”-esque facial expression and exposed chest hair (his shirt was unbuttoned as a special treat just for you).
*Please notice his take on the Sasha Fierce pose, complete with a fierce “grrrr”-esque facial expression and exposed chest hair (his shirt was unbuttoned as a special treat just for you).

Interior Designer Echo’s alter ego – the Pink Princess – is an exaggeration of her naturally bubbly and girlie personality. The Pink Princess makes all of the rules, is a fashionista and always gets what she wants! Although she knows to use her power for good and not for evil!
Bobbie’s alter ego - Miz Granolita (translation: “little granola”) – is a vegetarian graphic designer who loves the outdoors, sailing, kayaking, and animals. These traits are amplified when Bobbie becomes Granolita. There is no stopping her when it comes to saving and preserving mother earth!
Bobbie and I agree that our boss Ivan is the clear winner of this contest but he wouldn’t submit it without us doing it with him. He loves Beyonce – we have even spent a few afternoons trying to learn the single ladies routine here in our studio!
Who do you think is the fiercest of them all ?
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