Brier Beige
Calliandra Orange
Criss Cross Amethyste
Mr. Rowe Robin's Egg
I asked Brian to tell me his favorite stuff and here's what he said:
Candle: Pomegranate candle from Santa Maria Novella
Sheets: clean - ironed if I really want a treat
Fashion Designer: Luciano Barbera and Dries Van Noten if budget were not and issue - but basically a Brooks Brothers/J Crew kind of guy...and Levis

Casual restaurant: my friends hate this but I always end up at El Coyote in LA - the food is awful but I always have fun -a Mexican Cheers if you will, always the same crowd.
iphone or blackberry: iphone - although it's a love hate relationship - think Liz Taylor and Richard Burton
Art: Well - Alex K Mason, my business partner, for one - and have always wanted a Cy Twombley....but LA has a great local art scene with plenty of undiscovered talent
Necessary extravagance: shutting my phone off and spending the day at the beach - alone
Shoes: beat up gucci loafers or flip flops
Watch: Timex with a rubber strap so I don't have to take it off
Dessert: always
Vacation Destination: Like to get to Provincetown at least once a year of my all time favorite places since I was a kid - other than that I love going to Barcelona but have my eye on Croatia for my next big trip.
Favorite Charity: Children at Play - an organization started by my printer to offer financial assistance for rehabilitation/equipment for children with disabilities.
Favorite city to shop: I really don't like to shop too much - but I do love walking around London or New York.
Biggest inspiration: so many! but I have to say I love going to the farmers market in Hollywood and looking at the colors of all the fruits and vegetables - they way they are arranged - and the smells! too bad I don't cook!
Favorite book: my good friend Leigh Montgomery might kill me if I didn't say Thoreau's Cape Cod....written while he was living in the famous dune shack in Truro..but I do love David Sedaris!
What are you working on currently? Alex and I are currently working on a few new designs for Ferrick Mason - a large scale dogwood design and Parrish, a beautiful creeping vine with an ombre stripe in the background.
Lucas Studio designs featuring Ferrick Mason
A Reminder: Please visit This Photographer's Life and vote for me to win the Ad Contest, we all need a little help from our friends.
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