Fashion Designer: S Stella McCartney, I love her stuff and in a dream world would love to wear it all the time...in reality what I wear/like.... a la J. Crew and Vince...I work with all things that make me messy...this is coming from someone who's learned from her mistakes... J: i don't really follow "trends" and wouldn't say i have a fashion designer i follow...if it looks good, i'll wear it
Special occasion restaurant: S&J Heathcotes Longridge in Preston Lancashire, UK (the best rack of lamb in the world)
Casual restaurant: S chez jules, aka our kitchen at home as jules worked as a chef for over 10 years in England.

iphone or blackberry: S&J IPhone 4 all the way - we recently converted to the world of iphones and LOVE it!!!
Art: S Gerhard Richter - his photo paintings are amazing. J John Squire - great musician, great artist
Necessary extravagance: S William Yeoward crystal vases. J afternoon tea and cake
Shoes: S thats an easy one...anything that says Christian Louboutin. J Adidas shell toes
Favorite furniture/design/home shop: we've become very big fans of restoration hardware these days as we just moved into our new house and have way too much to furnish
Dessert: S jules' tiramisu or his red velvet cupcakes which i am devouring right now as i type this.. J chocolate fondant with creme anglaise
Vacation Destination: S&J Meribel in Les Trois Vallees, which is part of Savoie in France, it's the perfect winter trip..we both love the snow and have friends that own a chalet there.
Favorite Charity: S&J ASPCA - we have 4 dogs and 1 cat, 3 of which were rescued.
City to shop: S&J Europe during the holidays, so many pretty things everywhere you look..
Biggest inspiration: S any flowering garden I see in person or in a book or magazine. There's always something new to see to fill me with ideas for future work. J Lord Alan Sugar - he started with a simple ice cream van..
Book: S for reading Five people You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Alborn and for inspiration A Passion for Flowers by Carolyne Roehm - its a constant go-to for me. J Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
What are you working on currently? A lot!!!
Julep Studio is located at 5904 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA (323) 467-7402.
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