Here's a recap for people who haven't been reading as long.... When we bought this house, some people thought we were crazy. If you've been reading along since the house-hunting posts (back in Feb-March) then you know that we looked at & saw potential in some frightening places- an 800 square foot dump near my parents (all we could afford in that area), an 1800s farmhouse that needed everything ($200,000+), a turn-of-the-century bungalow that needed $100,000 in TLC ( I still drive by it & love it) countless colonials (all very nice actually, just not what we were looking for) and many others... This was the first house that we walked into that I loved that didn't need repairs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I walked into the house (with Dave waiting in the car with a sleeping Christian) and when I came outside, I didn't say anything except "Go inside." I was freaking out. It had a HUGE yard, a quirky but very liveable floorplan, awesome bones and an insane amount of natural light & space... and it was IN OUR BUDGET!!!!!

The quality of the images is not good, as I had a lot of trouble shooting pics because there's so much light coming in through those windows. Above is the room before and below is it now (Sorry about the random junk on the sofa here, but it's usually there so I included it!) :
We've still got lots of tweaking to do- mostly with artwork & accessories but I'll probably be forever tweaking those anyway... The inspiration for this space (and most of the house) is what's outside those windows. We have woods behind us and tons of windows & when I walked into the house the first time I felt like I was in a treehouse (it's a split-foyer/ bi-level so we're up high on the main level)... So my inspiration here was green, glass, and wood and white.... Here's a sort of inspiration board/ microcosm for the space (the coffee table atop hide ride with a huge chunk of wood I found at that first flea market with Mr.Ross and some vintage glass lab beakers with plants from around the yard):
Here's a close-up of the lamp... I'd originally picked out a glass lamp but it was backordered so I pulled this one from the family room & now am really happy with it in here. It sits atop a mirrored reproduction French flea market nesting table from Crate & Barrell. I like that there's a spot for the lamp and then a lower table for drinks (when I move my books of course! ;)

The drawing on fabric (I call it my "tapestry") is an Albrecht Durer (1471- 1528) drawing that I had blown-up to 7 feet by 5 feet on fabric with an adhesive backing. The space is tight over there so we didn't have room for furniture but I still wanted something special...
Dave spied the chairs at Lucketts and at $100 for 4 I was sold!
And that's it for now. (I know I show an insane amount of redundant photos but I just like to give every little detail & the reasoning behind it. - sorry!!!) We're happy to be relaxing finally & had a nice fire & s'mores outside last night!! I'll be posting the kitchen, family room, master bedroom & Christian's room shortly!!
ps- If anyone has any specific questions about items, I'll be answering them right here:Questions/ Answers:
1) The curtain rod is actually 2 iron rods from but I hid the part where they stop under the curtain. (I would have done 1, but 12 feet was about as long as they went.)2) You can read all about the "tapestry" here: and I had it enlarged here:
3) Question: Why did you select such a heavy chandy for the dining room when everything else is so clear and open?... Answer: Great question. The dining room is really small & has the potential to feel like just an extension of the living room. I really wanted it to stand out as a space on its own so I chose the massive chandelier (I love going oversize on chandeliers/ lanterns) and also a very sculptural, strong pedestal table to anchor that space among all the windows/light. I also just loved how crazy & natural the chandelier felt & sometimes when you just love something that's "off" it ends up being part of what makes the space so personal & unique.
4) The mantle: ahaha I totally forgot to explain this. Yes, right now it's just painted black but I think I'll steal Eddie Ross's idea in his NY apt of having mirror cut to fit. Either that or we're going to cut into the wall and do really short "logs" of wood that look like they could be going into a real fireplace... Option 1 much simpler & will open up the space... Option 2, I love this look I see so much in Darryl Carter's rooms but I think my kids would have a field day with the wood... eeek maybe save this for when they're older??
5) The fabric on the sofa is a cotton velvet & is great for kids. (Found this one at Calico Corners! :)
6) For the fabric on the 2 chairs: Here's the same fabric I used: ... I had the chairs custom-made and had the fabric upholstered on the reverse so it's much paler than the actual fabric.
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