So far in my blogging adventures, I haven’t shared too many rooms in my home. So, today I thought I would share one of my favorite rooms, my ‘baby’s’ bedroom. One reason being that she is 4 going on 15 so I thought I better document this sweet space before she wants a bedroom makeover, and another reason being that it was actually quite clean….for the moment. ;)
My little sister and my oldest daughter both had rooms similar to this one so when they moved on I had a whole lot of fun decor to choose from to mold into this space. So most of what you see are items passed down, or made from bargain finds.
I love, love the chandelier in here. It was one of my very first purchases when Mr. Husband and I married. It was from PB and it was black. (Don’t worry, I bought it from a discount store, of course.) It has followed us with all our moves and now has a nice aged white finish. I added the little shades I bought from Big Lots for $2.99 each, and the cord cover I got for a steal off of eBay.
The blessing dress was mine and my Mom painted the little angel pic on the right. She is so talented in so may ways! I love adding personal, sentimental pieces in decorating. It makes the space special and ‘yours’.
I found the aged tin and barn wood on eBay and simply hung it from some ribbon. I loaded the top of this pretty armoire with fun stuff and hung a cottage-y wreath I made above.
More sweet stuff from my Mom’s house.
I bought this furniture from my Mom. (more like she gave it to me…she is so good to me) It was my little sister’s and I always loved it! The bedding was my older daughter’s until she decided she wanted her big girl room. It was Rachel Ashwell’s Shabby Chic line from Target. Still so pretty.
I love this little cupboard. I picked it up at a yard sale for $10! It had the chippy aged paint, I just cleaned it up good and put a clear varnish on it. I added the little crystal knobs too. (sorry the lamp and it’s cord need adjusting)

P.S. When I was finishing up this post, the little princess who lives in this room brought me a piece of scrapbook paper saying, “these are the colors I want my room to be”. It looks like my days with this room I love so much may be numbered.
Linky Love…
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