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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chatting with Rhoda Montgomery, Southern Hospitality blog, about Nate Day and other bloggy fun

Yes, we're back! We didn't really go anywhere and very much appreciate the emails asking what was up. It's been a very busy time Chez Linda for the last several weeks what with one thing and another so between that and a couple of guest scheduling snafu's, we took an unexpected break. But, it was just a break, not a break up and we're back with a great lineup of guests and topics. Coming soon we have interior designer David Easton, Haskell Harris of Garden & Gun Magazine, designer/author Kathryn Ireland and more, so stay tuned for that.

Meanwhile, this week, we invited Rhoda Montgomery of the blog Southern Hospitality to join us.  As many of you will have heard, a couple of weeks ago, over 80 design bloggers were invited to attend a taping of the Nate Berkus show in NYC. This was a followup to this group all showing their support and admiration of Nate Berkus' work on the launch of his new talk show by doing posts and tweets all on the same day - aka "Nate Day".  Great idea, spearheaded by The Moggit Girls and Create Girl. So, as you may have heard, there was a significant level of discontent about how the day unfolded at the taping of Nate's show. Lot's of angry posts and tweets ensued. But also some very supportive ones as well. To us at SRT, it just seemed like a big PR nightmare for Nate's show and one that could have been avoided if they'd understood the true power of the blogosphere. Anyway, since we weren't there, we wanted to get the inside scoop from Rhoda, who was one of the more measured reporters from the day.  

We also chat with Rhoda about her blog and two of her most popular DIY projects: the beadboard wallpaper and her stairs.

If you participated in Nate Day - we'd love to hear from you. In the end - was the trip worth it? If you did not participate, we'd love to hear your impressions of the day as well.

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