I haven't been posting as usual because we moved house over past week, and I'm a bit frazzled, but I wanted to put up this post about my awards to thank the girls and encourage my bloggers to visit other great blogs!
ENJOY, and I'll post again in a couple of days of another gorgeous new home in Australia!
Judy @ Kifus, who has been an avid follower (and generous commenter) of my blog from it's humble beginnings, has sent me a "From me to You" Blog Award.
Here it is:

And thanks for your wonderful comments!
1.Thank the person who gave you the award.
2.Copy the Award.
3.Post it in your blog.
4. Tell Us 7 things that your readers don't know.
5. Link 7 new bloggers as recipients.
6. Notify winners of award with comment on their blog.
7. Keep being Awesome.
Seven things you don't know about me:
1. My favorite craft is tapestry.
2. I am fluent in pig latin.
3. I have a law degree and used to practice as a soly b4 kids!
6. I wish I was a interior designer, but I'm not confident life will be that good to me! (I'd settle for property development, and I may finally get that wish in a couple of years)
5. I never trust people, been burnt way too many times when I was younger, I always look for lies in people's stories and opinions - can't help myself!
6. I was first married at 21yrs, divorced by 25yrs, then married again to my current DH in my mid 30's and now have two lovely cherubs to him - never looked back since.
7. I just found out I'm pregnant!
Seven bloggers I have chosen for this award:
(this was quite hard for me, I visit an awful lot of fellow (home type) blogs, but I think I'm happy with this selection)
1. Colour Me Happy
My first award would have to go to Maria, at Colour Me Happy. Maria is a popular US colour expert, who is in the process of branding herself online, and is very generous with suggestions and help. Essentially, her posts are very useful and interesting, and one of her most popular posts is actually on blogging, not colour, (10 Things Every Blogger Should Know), with 90 comments and growing - check it out!
2. Hooked On Houses
This is def one of my fav blogs, and I visit it daily. Julia, like me, is a dedicated blogger and regularly updates her blog on house related topics, usually fantastic US interior pics. I am a particular fan of her Celebrity Home posts, I can't get enough of them!!! Seriously, you could spend hours on her blog!
3. Glimpse of Style
Another fav of mine which I check regularly is Lee's blog on Melbourne style - interesting local shops, brands and items. I can relate to her taste and really enjoy her blog. I really look forward to her Monday Morning Posts, which showcase local retail shops... here;s one example!
4. Gail McCormack (Artist)
I love this site. I am such a huge fan of Gail's artwork. She is a local Melbournian artist who sells her work through local markets, online and from her retail store. If you live down the Mornington Pennisula way, you'd be made not to check out her shabby chic original oil artwork (or prints), I'm glad to say that I've now purchased some of her artwork for both of my kids to treasure (and hopefully oneday be worth millions!) for life!
5. Struggling to be Stylish
Struggler, as she calls herself, posts on all topics of style, fashion, interiors, jewelery, and her taste is great! Let's face it, I'm only really interested in her home/interior related posts, like her post on women's wardrobes, but I browse her other posts too!
6. Swagger 360
OK, now this one is a little off-the-track, but I like it all the same, and visit it all the time. From what I can tell, they photograph people on the street, who are dressed to the nine's! I think they also do professional photo shoot posts, but posts are often just of just someone walking along the street. I love to see posts like this!
7. Ada and Darcy
And finally is Kellie, a Sydneysider, from Aus! Kellie's blog states she blogs about "all things lovely" - and that she does! Her style is quite distincive "romantic" and her images are always lovely, she is right about that. But it's no secret that I've given her "this" award because of her puppy dogs - that's right - she has cav's!!! (Cavalier King Charles Spaniels!) We too have a little cav tri-colour, Teddy, and he is our best mate and loyal buddy to my 2yo DS. Yay to the Cav's!
MY 2nd Award
A Lovely Blog Award
Not surprisingly, this award is similar to the first one, and was given to me a couple of weeks ago (sorry for the delay Brandi) and only now have I had time to respond!
Brandi from Not Your Ordinary Blog gave me this award because, as she put it, she loves my blog - ooorrrr - so nice to hear!
Thanks a bunch Brandi!
Here is the idealogy of this Award:
1. Thank the person who nominated me. Check!
2. Place the logo on my blog. (I don't know how to do this???)
3. State seven things about me that most people don’t know. - Again!
4. Nominate seven awesome bloggers - Again!
5. Let those bloggers know. Sure...
So, here's another seven interesting things about me.
1. If I could chose a way to die, it would be heart attack in my sleep - any surprises there!!! lol
2. I wish I had a full time secretary working for me, at home (even though I don't work (paid!) at home - I mean just for coping with life!)
3. My favorite food is chocolate (or chicken pies when I'm preggas).
4. My favorite all time movie is The Birdcage starring Robin Williams (it makes me happy).
5. I can touch type 85wpm.
6. One of my great great grandfathers was sent here from the UK in the late 1800's for stealing a sheep. He was sentenced to Life, but eventually was given freedom to continue his life with his wife and children - and here I am!
7. I am a great believer in "coincidence", I don't believe everything happens for a reason. One day our two cats both lost their collars in our wardrobe, there is no way to two losses were related as it has only ever happened with one of our cats previously, and they both regularly go through the wardrobe. This was the day I decided that there is such a thing as a coincidence, and maybe someone who circumstantially seemed responsible for something may actually just be in a "coincidental situation" - and not to always jump to conclusions. Prior to that day I would always say "if it smells like chicken, and it looks like chicken..." you know the saying!
Now I pass this award onto the following blogs and hope you get a chance to visit them sometime, I do regularly:
1. Wabi & SabiThis is, put simply, a beautiful Swedish blog owned by Skansa. He images are divine and she posts on all things beautiful, interiors, fashion, furniture etc. An example of her wonderful posts is her post on timeless inspired furniture! Ok, some of her work is in sweedish, but much of it is in English too!
2. Room Remix
Another BIG fav of mine is PK at Room Remix. PK is a wonderful home decorator, crafty person extraordinaire! Her posts are gorgeous, and most of them are inspirational for you to go do what she has done - some come with instructions! For example, she has a post on ways to "accessorise your walls" - you'll love this blog - it's fantastic!
3. Absolutely Beautiful Things
An amazing blog posted by Brisbane interior designer, Anna Spiro! Her work is divine, her taste is amazing, I love her style and the things she loves she posts about in this blog. She often posts about her retail interior design shop display - which is always gorgeous - as you can imagine!!! Look at the amount of comments she gets on her posts, she is one popular Aussie designer!
4. Le Musings of Moi
This blog cracks me up. The owner is Summer, and she basically posts about all things in her life, that she wants to! She is a very witty writer and I enjoy reading her posts (most blogs I just look at the pics!) Essentially, she likes to post about her wardrobe style, AKA "Fashion Friday" posts, where her poses are quite, er, um, cutsie??? I'm sure she wouldn't like that description, but I'll trust her sense of humour is as developed as her sense of style!
5. Surroundings
This is a blog contributed to by a few writers, and the posts are fantastic, often very inspirational from an interior design point of view. Their recent post on a US interior designer Brooke Gianetti's home gives you an example of the standards they aspire to. Just fabulous!
6. Velvet & Linen
And here is Brooke's own blog, Velvet & Lace! She has great taste, her husband is an architect (I think) and they often work as a team. Just a wonderful style... She posts about all things interior, and currently has a competition for followers of her blog to send in photos of their rooms to select the best - some of the entries are awesome! Check it out...
7. VT Interiors
Last but not least, is VT Interiors, a "library of inspirational images" - indeed it is! This is a truly professional collection of interior pictures... A typical beautiful post is her post on decorating with green. Most of her posts get a "wow" from me! Sometimes she posts about things other than interiors, maybe fashion or artwork, but it's all relative!
Of course I could go on, but I won't, so far it's taken me 2hrs to get this post up and running, but I have enjoyed looking through my fav blogs! (and my FRIGGIN mouse has been dancing all over the place tonight - drivin me BANANAS!)
Well that's my "award" commitment completed, I could write many more fav blogs, but I'm sure more of these awards will come my way over time... until then, adios bloggers!
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