Most of the time when friends and family come to my house they enter from the back patio. Because of this, I like to decorate it as much as the front door. I really wanted to get some pre-lit potted trees last Christmas on clearance (love it) but I didn't. I could just kick myself...what do ya do? So, I decided I was going to just splurge and buy them. Until...I pulled in my garage one fine day and spotted my tomato cages! I planted tomatoes a few years back and, well anyway, there they are. I decided I would save the money and make my own trees and place them in the pots that I had flowers in this summer. Good girl, Krista! I am sure you have seen these made before, but I thought I would share my version with you.
So, I got my cages. You could spray paint them green if you wanted, but I left mine silver. Then you just need a basic pine garland. I had a few extras hanging around. I had to buy a couple for $2.99. I ended up using 2 6ft garlands for each. Take the time to first "fluff" them and straighten the pine out. It makes a big difference. After wrapping the points of the cage with a green pipe cleaner, I took the end of the garland and wired it around the top of the cage.
I wound it down tightly together. I've seen it would loosely giving the tree a spiral look, and it looked great as well. Totally up to you. As you go down the cage you can take individual pieces of the pine and wrap them around the cage to hold it in place. I adjusted and spread the pine out as I went.
I took a bag of pine cones and attached some here and there with wire. The bag had some grapevine balls I stuck in as well. I had a pretty beaded berry garland I got at Target on clearance (my fave) last year. I cut it in half, to have one for each tree, and wound it down the front of the tree.
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